I have not become extremely lazy updating my blog, I'm simply extremely busy these days! I'm still having a blast in this country although I'm working a lot!
I really like my job and I hope that my Russian will improve faster, because I have been assigned to deal with ALL the internet advertisement, which includes writing emails to advertisement agencies, our Russian keywords and page titles on the website. This morning I actually had my first Russian conversation on the phone, not only saying "sekundutshku" and getting someone Russian to deal with it... Yay! I'm only a little nervous about asking when I will lose my job :-(
Lots of things have happened since my birthday; I'm still the only girl in the group and still the oldest person around. China (Yuan), America (John) and Poland (Pawel) call me "granny" or Germany. (We started refering to each other by country names, it is so much fun laughing about our countries!) Last weekend we finally went to Peterhof and it was really nice although we didn't manage to get in as Russians... The comination of really Chinese looking Yuan and tourist Pawel screwed it up ;-) and I guess I was being too German that particular day :-(
This Friday we celebrated Pawel's farewell party, because he is leaving tomorrow; and hotel Anna opened again. We had a great time cooking... John prepared some delicious American dish, Yuan something yummy Chinese and Tyoma made wonderful "Shaverma" (that is the closest to "Doener Kebab" you can get here). We learned more drinking games from John. My new favorite one is "presidents and assholes". And guess who turned out to be the asshole??? I will be happy to explain the game if you want to know!
However, the Russians left the party before midnight... due to public transport and we foreigners went on partying. I slept like a rock, since mosquitos tend to leave me in peace when there are other people around :-) All boys told me in the morning that they would never sleep over again... :-) Thanks for keeping away the mosquitos for one night!!! :-)

John, Yuan, Lesha, Tyoma, Sergey, Anna and Pawel
Read more!

Tyoma preparing "Shaverma"

Yuan partying :-)

Enjoying the evening sun on the balcony

The AIESEC trainee and the CEEDer

Anna and the current LCP Lesha



Chilling out on the couch

Killing mosquitos

Half dead on Saturday morning (on Sunday very similar pics were taken...)
Saturday after recovering from mosquitos bites and a nice breakfast we moved on to "banya", sauna. This wasn't a really public place, we just rented the whole thing for 1,5 hours and had a great time! I should have gone straight to bed after that, but I didn't want to waste my weekend and so I only took a 20 minute nap and ran off to the next party.
The AIESECers had invited their 'alumnis', the old AIESECers to get together. Hm, there were five foreigners, four members of the current EB and two alumnis and some other people... Great success ;-) However, I stumbled home at 6.30 in the morning after dancing Rock'n roll all night long. Needless to say that I was the last woman standing and only one Russian kept me company. John and Yuan fled the club around 4am to famous "Datcha", complaining that two worst kinds of music in one club is not bearable... :-) They were still fussing about the music when I met them later in "Datcha". I won't complain! :-)

Alumni party: Anna and the new trainee Sonya. Yay!!! Female support!
Sonya was born in Russia, but raised in California and speaks both languages perfectly! She also spent a year in Spain and is a really nice girl! Although my male friends do not understand why I complain being the "pearl" in the group, but I need some female friends! Pawel admitted though that he is a little bit tired of functioning as my female friend, listening to all the "girls" stuff... ;-)