Camping with Telphin
I went camping with my company and we had a blast! The weather was perfect and the campside a paradise! I even got to go swimming again... probably for the last time this summer :-( We had lots of shashliky, sausages, potatoes and other delicious food! I slept wonderful 9 hours and was just starting to relax when I had to return to the city (my fault... I wanted to party with the foreigners...).

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My dear friends have noticed an obession about sleep... I keep whining about it, but as a matter of fact I NEVER GET ENOUGH SLEEP! I'm still proud that I managed to go home Saturday evening around midnight and didn't go clubbing with the others till 6 in the morning again!
On Sunday I went to "banya" and I haven't felt this relaxed for a long time!!!

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My dear friends have noticed an obession about sleep... I keep whining about it, but as a matter of fact I NEVER GET ENOUGH SLEEP! I'm still proud that I managed to go home Saturday evening around midnight and didn't go clubbing with the others till 6 in the morning again!
On Sunday I went to "banya" and I haven't felt this relaxed for a long time!!!

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