Another exciting week has passed: Going to the beach after work, meeting my old flat mate and his now roomie, hanging out with my colleagues after work, going to Datcha a few times and to the ballet to watch "Swan lake" were very enjoyable!

I have adapted so well to life in St. Petersburg that I felt it was time to show it physically :-) So, on Saturday the mission was to find a good and cheap hairdresser! Yuan, this really nice guy from China, was a great help when it came to deal with "Russian services". Russian understanding of running a business is slightly different from common Western thinking. In Russia you have to be thankful if the sales woman in a shop does not yell at you, because you disturbed her conversation with her friends... There are exceptions of course, and we finally found a nice "salon" where I spent 3 hours (being the only client) getting my hair done. They were amazingly friendly and Yuan managed to negotiate a good price for me!
On Sunday we went to Выборг (Vyborg), which is about 150km away from St. Petersburg and very close to Finland. It was a perfect summer day and a Sunday how a Sunday is supposed to be! We didn't mind the 6 hours on the train... It is RUSSIA! The 3 hours back certainly were a Russian experience, because EVERYBODY seemed to have left the city over the weekend and wanted to take our very train back home. People simply didn't fit in and there was a lot of aggression between some of the travellers. I got home safe and sound, warmly welcomed by a hungry cat :-)

Über den Dächern von Выборг
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Vyborg seems very European

View from Vyborg Castle to the Finland Bay

Having fun.... ;-)

Water lilies everywhere!

We rented this lovely thingy and discovered one miracle after another

Left alone on a rock... :-(

Sun, blue sky and blue water! What else you want on a Sunday? :-)

Der Franzensbaum

Tired on the way home (3h by train - normal in Russia)

I have adapted so well to life in St. Petersburg that I felt it was time to show it physically :-) So, on Saturday the mission was to find a good and cheap hairdresser! Yuan, this really nice guy from China, was a great help when it came to deal with "Russian services". Russian understanding of running a business is slightly different from common Western thinking. In Russia you have to be thankful if the sales woman in a shop does not yell at you, because you disturbed her conversation with her friends... There are exceptions of course, and we finally found a nice "salon" where I spent 3 hours (being the only client) getting my hair done. They were amazingly friendly and Yuan managed to negotiate a good price for me!
On Sunday we went to Выборг (Vyborg), which is about 150km away from St. Petersburg and very close to Finland. It was a perfect summer day and a Sunday how a Sunday is supposed to be! We didn't mind the 6 hours on the train... It is RUSSIA! The 3 hours back certainly were a Russian experience, because EVERYBODY seemed to have left the city over the weekend and wanted to take our very train back home. People simply didn't fit in and there was a lot of aggression between some of the travellers. I got home safe and sound, warmly welcomed by a hungry cat :-)

Über den Dächern von Выборг
Read more!

Vyborg seems very European

View from Vyborg Castle to the Finland Bay

Having fun.... ;-)

Water lilies everywhere!

We rented this lovely thingy and discovered one miracle after another

Left alone on a rock... :-(

Sun, blue sky and blue water! What else you want on a Sunday? :-)

Der Franzensbaum

Tired on the way home (3h by train - normal in Russia)
Hey Anna-honey!
It´s so cool, to see u on all these pics. A german chick fitting perfectly into russian landscape. How long are u llving in Piter now? Almost two month, right? Oh, I´m really looking forward to see u in september even though those russian visa "things" start to freak me out. But anyway, we will manage to come. Wrote everything by email.
So, keep the faith and give a hug to your new catmate, a real cutie!
Anonymous, at 12:06 AM
Dear ex-boyfriend, I'm looking forward to see you and Corinna in Petersburg! :-) And Russia is not as bad as the tourist guides say... It is actually worse, but a lot of fun!!! It is a love and hate thingy ;-)
Will try to help you to sort out your visa problems!
My cutie roomie found out that he has to drop himself right in front of my feet and play dead when he wants me to snuggle him... Guess what he is doing all the time now?!
Anna, at 8:45 AM
Dear Anna,
i can only confirm what my dear predecessor said: Your photos are hilarious! It doesnt take much to see that youre having great fun. The photo I like most: You in the grass of the 300 years park! Great artwork! So, have a great summer in pieter, I will go back to my books now. Enjoy!
Anonymous, at 2:33 PM
Dear ex-boyfriend ii, are you enjoying the summer on the balcony with the ex-boyfriend or are you studying? ;-)
Thanks for the compliments! Although it wasn't me who took the picture in question... but I'm sure the photographer is more than flattered!
Good luck with the books!!! And enjoy the Göttingen!
Anna, at 2:53 PM
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