Figure Skating
When I was a child (and to a certain degree I still am) I used to watch figure skating on TV and knew all the famous skaters. Unfortunately, I have been too busy in the last years, so I am not familiar with the world's famous figure skaters anymore :-(
Thanks to the Czech Trainee Simona, I went to a figure skating show last night and saw the most famous Russian skaters, among them Evgeni Plushenko! Simona gave me a really disapproving look before the show when I said that I had never heard of the guy before... However, it certainly was one of the highlights of my last 3 weeks in St. Petersburg! He is an entertaining figure skating God! I just did some research and the list of medals is long...

Evgeni Plushenko
I moved and live in a single-flat now! It is gorgeous!!!
Thanks to the Czech Trainee Simona, I went to a figure skating show last night and saw the most famous Russian skaters, among them Evgeni Plushenko! Simona gave me a really disapproving look before the show when I said that I had never heard of the guy before... However, it certainly was one of the highlights of my last 3 weeks in St. Petersburg! He is an entertaining figure skating God! I just did some research and the list of medals is long...

Evgeni Plushenko
I moved and live in a single-flat now! It is gorgeous!!!
Fortunately he wasn't wearing really tight pants!!! But you could see that he has a really nice butt :-))) It was definitely food, although I'm not sure if it was for the soul... ;-)
Just kidding! You are right! It was a great insight in Russian culture!
Anna, at 1:33 PM
@Anna. I love figure skating. I stick to the TV whenever there is a competition. I always try to go to the actual performance, but I can never get seats close ennough to see them. @Spicy Springroll. Why is everything related to "you know what"? ;) Have a great weekend, girls!
Anonymous, at 1:57 PM
"A great insight in Russion culture"? As far as I can see, all of you girls are far more interested in some insight into his pants.
Anonymous, at 11:12 PM
@Thomas: Don't tell me you wouldn't show great interest in girls pants - Russian girls' really short pants/skirts... If I remember correct, and I believe I do, the expression "over-sexed and underfucked" was created in Göttingen not a very long time ago... Note that I m not necessarily accusing you! :-)
Anna, at 2:28 PM
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