Stories that life writes
It's been a while since I wrote last... We have a new managing director in the company and he kept me extremely busy. All last week long I spent editing our new product's international per minute rates (TelMe)... I have done it at least 5 times during the past 4 months... every time it was meant to be the last time and our final prices. Now THIS time I got an Excel file with ALL the world's destinations and ALL area codes, which added up to a 15000 lines file :-) Do you know where St. Pierre and Miquelon is? Or Diego Garcia? Not that I know, but I know all the destinations in Russian and English :-)))
So I was ready for a party weekend by Friday!!! And I had a party weekend! Won't bother you with details. The most brilliant thing happened to me around 4am on Sunday morning:-) I had had several drinks at that point and we all were quite tipsy. We changed locations and went to a bar called Fish Fabrica - a creepy place, but fun! I was the last one walking in and the security guy stopped me and didn't wanna let me in. I was sort of incapable of speaking any Russian, so the guy dragged me to a sign that clearly stated that people under 18 are not allowed in :-))) The guy realized his mistake soon enough and let me in! That definitely made my day!
But the best story is without any doubt Laura's weekend confusion! I think I mentioned before that my dear friend Laura is a party animal :-)))
So, after a 24h drinking event Laura arrives at home at 9 on Sunday morning, but is SURE that it is 9 in the evening! Her room mate is (still) sleeping, which Laura takes as an "early-going-to-bed" occasion. She prepares her classes for the next morning, sets her alarm clock and goes to bed at 11am. It is still bright outside and she wonders, but then it's Russia, anything can happen ;-) (And it will be daylight at 11pm in a few months). Laura wakes up at 2pm, thinking it is Monday morning and that she overslept and calls her school. Of course, nobody picks up the phone. Eventually Laura's room mate wakes up and informs Laura that it is SUNDAY. It took some time until Laura believed it, in fact, she checked it on the Internet and then went out to meet me for cake, tea and beer :-)
And last but not least, my time in Russia is almost up :-( I'm extremely sad about leaving, but looking forward to Germany at the same time. I'm going to Riga for two days on April 19th with Daniel, a trainee from the USA. Poor Daniel will have to stand my crying about leaving, but he promised to bring some tissues. April 22nd is the day when a plane takes me back to Germany... :-( and :-)))))))) Lots of fun is coming up!!! Chenita and Sveenie are getting married in September and I get to be bridesmaid!!! I'm so excited! Have to buy a dress - and find a job to be able to pay for it! See ya soon
So I was ready for a party weekend by Friday!!! And I had a party weekend! Won't bother you with details. The most brilliant thing happened to me around 4am on Sunday morning:-) I had had several drinks at that point and we all were quite tipsy. We changed locations and went to a bar called Fish Fabrica - a creepy place, but fun! I was the last one walking in and the security guy stopped me and didn't wanna let me in. I was sort of incapable of speaking any Russian, so the guy dragged me to a sign that clearly stated that people under 18 are not allowed in :-))) The guy realized his mistake soon enough and let me in! That definitely made my day!
But the best story is without any doubt Laura's weekend confusion! I think I mentioned before that my dear friend Laura is a party animal :-)))
So, after a 24h drinking event Laura arrives at home at 9 on Sunday morning, but is SURE that it is 9 in the evening! Her room mate is (still) sleeping, which Laura takes as an "early-going-to-bed" occasion. She prepares her classes for the next morning, sets her alarm clock and goes to bed at 11am. It is still bright outside and she wonders, but then it's Russia, anything can happen ;-) (And it will be daylight at 11pm in a few months). Laura wakes up at 2pm, thinking it is Monday morning and that she overslept and calls her school. Of course, nobody picks up the phone. Eventually Laura's room mate wakes up and informs Laura that it is SUNDAY. It took some time until Laura believed it, in fact, she checked it on the Internet and then went out to meet me for cake, tea and beer :-)
And last but not least, my time in Russia is almost up :-( I'm extremely sad about leaving, but looking forward to Germany at the same time. I'm going to Riga for two days on April 19th with Daniel, a trainee from the USA. Poor Daniel will have to stand my crying about leaving, but he promised to bring some tissues. April 22nd is the day when a plane takes me back to Germany... :-( and :-)))))))) Lots of fun is coming up!!! Chenita and Sveenie are getting married in September and I get to be bridesmaid!!! I'm so excited! Have to buy a dress - and find a job to be able to pay for it! See ya soon
What???? YOU will be the bridesmaiden? I thought I would get that job. I already had lovely combination of dress and shoes in mind. That and a breathtaking hairdo would truely have made the day! But I guess we will have to do with whatever performance you will provide. phfff!
Anonymous, at 2:10 AM
Oh my dear, I'm very sorry! Be nice to Chen or Sveenie (I mean REALLY nice...) and they might change their mind about it ;-) I'd love to see you in your cutie dress!!! Although... only nice shoes would also do :-)))
Anna, at 10:44 AM
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