Goodbye Germany / Back in Russia
Yeah, I made it back allright to cold and dark Russia! :-( I didn't want to leave and my poor mother had to stand my moans for 1,5 days ;-)
Christmas Market in Braunschweig
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The flight back via Prague was fun... at least the flight from Prague to Piter... I sit at the gate waiting for my flight to Petersburg and see three guys approaching the gate. "Spainards" crosses my mind as they draw nearer, but then I think, "don't be silly, this is PRAGUE and a flight to RUSSIA... What would Spainards do here???" However, in the airplane I get to sit next to one of them, one is in front of me and the third one in the row behind me... Turns out that they in fact ARE Spanish :-))) I keep my mouth shut and enjoy their nastly little jokes about the big group of elder Irish ladies around us. Of course, I can't help smiling, and eventually they ask me if I speak Spanish ;-) So I end up chatting with the one guy next to me, a friendly 41 year old business man, who (for whatever strange reason) decided to go to Petersburg with his friends/co-workers on vacation. Besides the fact that I have troubles keeping Russian out of my Spanish, I have a great time. The guy asked me a lot about my job and what I do and what I like... and actually offered me a job in Germany or Great Britain!!! Isn't that cool?! I will at least check out the website and see whether teaching engineers is something for me ;-)

Harz and the highest mountain: Der Brocken

Goodbye at the train station: Chen, Sveenie and Paul "Erwin"

Katharinen-Kirche in Braunschweig

My dear mother
I finally moved into my new apartment on Friday and made myself comfy yesterday! FINALLY a place that I can call HOME!
On Saturday I jumped right back into my busy Russian life... trying not to be homesick! I got a haircut (Yippie), went ice-scating with a huge group of crazy foreigners and partying till 8 in the morning. I haven't felt this "trashed" for a long time... Yesterday/Sunday was dedicated to moving around slowly ;-)
I'm back at work now, trying to get back to daily working routine. Two 2 weeks in Germany made me be very German again and this is NOT helpful in a Russian company... ;-) but in two days things will be back to normal!
Well, I'm glad to be with my co-workers again, although I didn't really miss the "Finger-in-den-Po-thingy"!!! Yuck!!!

Back in Piter

Partying in Piter

Igor and the FINEC trainees

Sonya and Anna
Thanks again to everyone for making this vacation such a perfect time!!!
@Simone in Gö: It is a pitty we didn't meet!
@Sergio: I'm sorry for not calling, but I had to get up at 5:45 the next morning and only wanted to sleep! Will write soon!
@Thomas and Krischan: I never said properly bye I think! Or at least I don't remember! Take care and have a good time!
@Anja in New Zealand: I'm sorry for not providing you with any details!!! I hope to write a long email soon!!! Hope you are doing excellent in New Zealand!
@Ania in Lublin: Miss you!!! My plans to travel through Poland are still on!
@Pawel in Wroclaw: The package is on its way and I hope to visit soon as well!
@Chenita: I miss you!!! Next weekend is "Sauna-Zeit" :-)))
@Greetings to everyone else I didn't mention, but I think of you!!!

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The flight back via Prague was fun... at least the flight from Prague to Piter... I sit at the gate waiting for my flight to Petersburg and see three guys approaching the gate. "Spainards" crosses my mind as they draw nearer, but then I think, "don't be silly, this is PRAGUE and a flight to RUSSIA... What would Spainards do here???" However, in the airplane I get to sit next to one of them, one is in front of me and the third one in the row behind me... Turns out that they in fact ARE Spanish :-))) I keep my mouth shut and enjoy their nastly little jokes about the big group of elder Irish ladies around us. Of course, I can't help smiling, and eventually they ask me if I speak Spanish ;-) So I end up chatting with the one guy next to me, a friendly 41 year old business man, who (for whatever strange reason) decided to go to Petersburg with his friends/co-workers on vacation. Besides the fact that I have troubles keeping Russian out of my Spanish, I have a great time. The guy asked me a lot about my job and what I do and what I like... and actually offered me a job in Germany or Great Britain!!! Isn't that cool?! I will at least check out the website and see whether teaching engineers is something for me ;-)

Harz and the highest mountain: Der Brocken

Goodbye at the train station: Chen, Sveenie and Paul "Erwin"

Katharinen-Kirche in Braunschweig

My dear mother
I finally moved into my new apartment on Friday and made myself comfy yesterday! FINALLY a place that I can call HOME!
On Saturday I jumped right back into my busy Russian life... trying not to be homesick! I got a haircut (Yippie), went ice-scating with a huge group of crazy foreigners and partying till 8 in the morning. I haven't felt this "trashed" for a long time... Yesterday/Sunday was dedicated to moving around slowly ;-)
I'm back at work now, trying to get back to daily working routine. Two 2 weeks in Germany made me be very German again and this is NOT helpful in a Russian company... ;-) but in two days things will be back to normal!
Well, I'm glad to be with my co-workers again, although I didn't really miss the "Finger-in-den-Po-thingy"!!! Yuck!!!

Back in Piter

Partying in Piter

Igor and the FINEC trainees

Sonya and Anna
Thanks again to everyone for making this vacation such a perfect time!!!
@Simone in Gö: It is a pitty we didn't meet!
@Sergio: I'm sorry for not calling, but I had to get up at 5:45 the next morning and only wanted to sleep! Will write soon!
@Thomas and Krischan: I never said properly bye I think! Or at least I don't remember! Take care and have a good time!
@Anja in New Zealand: I'm sorry for not providing you with any details!!! I hope to write a long email soon!!! Hope you are doing excellent in New Zealand!
@Ania in Lublin: Miss you!!! My plans to travel through Poland are still on!
@Pawel in Wroclaw: The package is on its way and I hope to visit soon as well!
@Chenita: I miss you!!! Next weekend is "Sauna-Zeit" :-)))
@Greetings to everyone else I didn't mention, but I think of you!!!
Good to see you made it back well. Regarding the goodby: I am quite sure we said proper goodbyes. But I have to admit that I was quite trashed myself at that time. Weihnachtsmarkt alone would have done enough damage, continue drinking in the Nautilus and having to get up early next morning... Let's say I was not in a happy place. I hope next time you are here we have more time to spend together (not only because we have an agreement about you-know-what :-) )
Anonymous, at 1:37 AM
Everyone who spent the night at the Nautilus felt the same way I think...
And concerning our little agreement: You have a very good memory! ;-) No more comments now... I'm far way, hehehe!
Take care! :-)
Anna, at 2:45 PM
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