My birthday again

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For all those who have never been in Göttingen before: it is a very small city! I drove back to the center while Chen-Yu and other went by bike. I was looking for a parking spot in the center when my phone started ringing. I got a new bag the other day, a big one... so it wasn't exactly easy to find my phone... it was Chen-Yu calling. Driving and talking on the phone is not allowed, so I stopped in the middle of the street between party people. And who turns out to be standing right in front of my car annoyed that my car is in her way? Right, Chen-Yu :-)
That was TWO DAYS before my birthday. The day day BEFORE my birthday I spent quietly doing sightseeing with Sonya. I have lived for about 6 or 7 years in Göttingen, but this Californian girl has to show up so I get to see the most important sights of Göttingen ;-) We climbed up Jakobikirche... a VERY steep climb on ladders. Chen-Yu was playing Marilyn Monroe :-))) and we had great views from the tower ;-)

After so much work we needed to relax and went to the Baggersee - a very nice lake where we went "row, row, row your boat..."

Klausi, Anna and Chen-Yu after swimming

Sonya in a cornfield

Another barbeque party in the evening and drinking again
So my actual birthday was special, because I hadn't been this exhausted for a long time. You know how much I love to sleep!
Sonya and I went back to Braunschweig to have tea and cake with my mom, who set up a stunning coffee table with flowers and presents for me. This birthday was special, because I got really thoughtful gifts and people I really care about called me and sent me messages! Thanks a lot!!! I'm really flattered!!!
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