Loads of stuff's happened; life in Berlin is just so busy. I also got into
www.facebook.com and quite distracted from blogger ;-)
Just love it! Found so many people who hadn't been in touch with for a long time. Like I had to realize that my "kids" are grown-ups now... ;-) Right, 10 years have passed since I was an aupair.
Major events:
Kirstie and Brenda in Berlin
So, the two girls living in Barcelona made it to Berlin and brought the summer along :-) We had a great time getting sunburnt (especially me...), doing sightseeing and going out. Hope to see you soon again, ladies!
Anna's turned 30No gray hairs yet, only might have lost some brain cells from partying too much. Now that I'm 30 I decided it's time to party again. Work's super busy, distraction is needed.
Thanks to my dear AIESEC friends I've seen quite a lot of bars and even a club recently.
My birthday week I spent in Göttingen where Chen-Yu is growing a lot ;-), in Braunschweig with my mom and last but not least - in Berlin.

Chenita looking at her new home - a really nice suitcase :-)

Brunch with Arne, Magda, Srini, Maria and Pohan at Tesoro
Hope you are having a brilliant time! ;-)
Read Harry Potter yet?