Photos Abiparty
I managed to upload some pics I took at the Abiparty... :-)

Chen, Klausi and Anna
Read more!

Spicy springroll and Iceprincess

The green one


Chenita and Annita (had to censor this)

Chen and Sveenie


Chen and Sveenie

Chen, Klausi and Anna
Read more!

Spicy springroll and Iceprincess

The green one


Chenita and Annita (had to censor this)

Chen and Sveenie


Chen and Sveenie
Hey Dark Reign! Thanks a lot :-) I am still working on the page...
I have been to Chicago and I really liked it; awesome city!
Anna, at 8:34 PM
Hello Annita my scnupple,
nice pics of the Abi-Party, It`s obvious you`ve learned alot in webdesigning in russia. You became a little cute computernerd. And you know how sexy this combination is for guys like me. In fact im sitting naked on... no in front of my computer.
OK, Annamouse
CU in the StammII-Area tomorrow
Kisses from an anonymous Verehrer
Anonymous, at 8:50 PM
hey Anna, or Annita (this is new to me)!
Kind of weird to talk to you in english but I'll do my best. Crazy this blogging stuff, kind of "seelenstrip" but as I am interested in all kinds of dirty stuff this should be a real treasure chamber for me...:-)
So far for now, got a text you anyway in 1 minute...
Anonymous, at 9:27 PM
Hey ex-boyfriend! Which one are you??? (I am turning red now)
Congratulations to your excellent Examen again!!! :-) Tea is a good idea... I spend all my time in Chen-Yu`s appartment in the internet... will text you. Nice to talk in English with you :-)
Anna, at 9:57 PM
Dear schmackhafterbssoup (yummy pea soup...)... Mensch Paul, altes Haus!!! :-) You found my blog! I am delighted... (would have hit you REALLY HARD otherwise!!!) and I am turning a little red - too many compliments today! You scnugglinchen, Gurkuldensalat! I am also naked and clicking my little mouse :-) (Pfui, Paul! Stop dictating what I should write!!! I still want to make a good impression in this blog!!! And I might tell Moni...)
BTW... I could need some help with my blog. I am an expert working with beloved XIAG CMS, but have no idea how to solve this problem... Well, since you are sitting right next to me (actually left), I will tell you now...
CU in StammII area tomorrow (not naked)!
DO NOT DARE TO WRITE ANY NASTY THINGS!!! Kids and nice guys might read this!!!
The little chick ;-)
Anna, at 10:11 PM
@ex-boyfriend: Hey, wait a second, what means "ex-boyfriend". This is ridiculous. I now that I am her ex-boyfriend. Or is there something I don't know, Annita??? I'm a little bit shocked, I have to say...
Anonymous, at 10:20 PM
So, you are sitting naked next to naked Paul right after you agreed to become my wife when comming back from russia? Yes guys, she is not only hot, she is practicly engaged too! So bust off!! (So much for the "nice guys might read this" thing) I must say I am deeply hurt! What would our children think when they read this someday? Well on second thought... Who cares? I am wondering if all this sounds a little bit crazy... I have to leave now. Thank you for your attention.
Anonymous, at 11:17 PM
@the real ex-boyfriend! Sorry, my dear but I AM THE MASTER EX-BOYFRIEND. So piss off and leave this blog forever!!! Sorry, Anna that this faker tried to disturb our ex-relationship...
Anonymous, at 11:20 PM
Hi ex-sweety,
this blog is beautiful. Let´s meet all together, have a litle drink and talk about the good ole times. There where hard times also but I respect you as a human-being after all.
Anonymous, at 11:24 PM
Dear Anna,
you messed me up like a piece of crap, and I liked it very much. But the permanent beating with the Rohrstock while I was sleeping was a little over the top, on the other side the most exciting experience I had in my life. I will never forget you.
Anonymous, at 11:31 PM
Dear male German friends!!! This is getting out of control! ARGH!!!
(I am dying of laughter! Love you all!) BUT:
@Sveenie: YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND! You are in fact engaged to one of my closest friends!!! And I wish you the best!!! You guys are such a cute couple! (Should I wear a red or a blue dress at your wedding? Or maybe yellow?)
@Thomas: I have not agreed to marry you, we were merely talking about children... ;-) Will always pay attention to you though! You are a great guy!!!
@Jojo: No one can disturb our happy ex-relationship friendship!!! :-) Looking forward to see you! Wish you the best!!!
@Paul/Isabelle: I will never forget you, you crazy Gurkulade! Thanks for all your advises! ;-) I will try the Rohrstock soon!
@anyone else who wants to embarress me: DO NOT DO IT! The others did an excellent job already! You wanna spend a night with me though? :-)))
Anna, at 11:52 PM
Sveenie, U LIAR, you sweared I am the only one (in a sexual way, of course) for you, and now I become aware, that there is another boy or pet in your life. What for did I play air-guitar night after night in my tigerdress behind your bicycle-shelter without any nutrittion and only little drinking, mostly fruchtzwergdrinks. I did it only for you.
Down with love.
We`re done with each other.
Gatzge G. Gausepohl Gosepath Jr.
Anonymous, at 12:06 AM
Well, I'll take your warm and tender words as a first step in the right direction and accept the fact that you don't want to rush into anything. Let's just wait how things are going to develop.
And on the other comment: _I_ can be anyone! I wana spend that night! This way we could take care of the children thing, or at least try, try with real dedication! (and some prophylactic please). Anyone is almost my second name!
Anonymous, at 1:35 AM
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